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Ordering from Natural Value has never been easier
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Everything in one place
Explore new items and reorder from over 350 vendor catalogs, all from the palm of your hand.
Control your inventory
Tie up less money in inventory. Don't crowd your backroom and order exactly what you need.
Works offline
Write orders and shop catalogs with or without internet access so you’re never caught in a pinch.
Gain spend visibility
See all of your business spend in one place, and keep every department within budget.
Never drop an item
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FROM vori retail CUSTOMERS
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Submit orders to Natural Value and any of your vendors, at any time. Don’t see your vendor on Vori? We can have them setup in under 72 hours.
Stonewall Kitchen
Rock Island
The Republic of Tea
SunRidge Farms
Stonewall Kitchen
Rock Island
The Republic of Tea
SunRidge Farms
Marianne’s Ice Cream
Nassau Candy West
Good Stuff
Marin Cheese Company
Marianne’s Ice Cream
Nassau Candy West
Good Stuff
Marin Cheese Company
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Vori is your online wholesale marketplace connecting local retailers with local distributors and direct brands.
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